Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Overview of Travel Insurance

With a DDS from the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry, Dr. Kathryn Philpott-Hill operated a private dental practice in Sylva, North Carolina, from 1996 to 2008. In her free time, Dr. Kathryn Philpott-Hill enjoys traveling, especially throughout Europe.

While fun, traveling to Europe can also be overwhelming. One question many travelers face is whether to purchase travel insurance

There are five main kinds of insurance: theft, flight, baggage, medical evacuation, and trip cancellation or interruption. Often sold in a package, insurance can vary in price, but it often ranges from 5 percent to 12 percent of the total cost of the trip, with adjustments based on age.

According to travel guru Rick Steves, trip cancellation or interruption insurance is the most useful. It covers many conditions, including sickness or death and missed flights. Medical insurance can be worthwhile, but many health insurance companies cover overseas travel already. Theft insurance offers a similar caveat, as some homeowners or renters insurance companies already cover theft of personal property.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Asheville Art Museum Teams Up with Students for Art Beats Project

Based in North Carolina, Dr. Kathryn Philpott-Hill operated a private dental practice in Sylva, near Asheville, for 12 years. Part of the greater Asheville community, Kathryn Philpott-Hill has a strong interest in the arts and contributes to organizations such as the Asheville Art Museum. Beyond art exhibitions, the museum plays a vital role in community life and encourages artistic education and performance. 

As part of a partnership between the museum and the Asheville Schools, students have created original responses to artworks in the exhibition “Unwrapped: Gifts from the Peter Norton Family Christmas Project.”

The Christmas Project is a unique undertaking conceived of by Peter Norton, the creator of Norton Antivirus software. It involves an artist being commissioned each year to create an original work of art that is then duplicated and sent to a number of museums and friends.

Student participation has created another unique performance offered at the Asheville Art Museum. “Art Beats: A Pulse of Multidisciplinary Responses to Art” is designed to intertwine with the actual artworks on display and encourage exploration, as patrons make their way through the exhibit.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

New Study Links Gum Disease and Cancer in Older Women

Kathryn Philpott-Hill served as a dental practitioner in Sylva, North Carolina, for more than 10 years. A member of the American Dental Association, Kathryn Philpott-Hill cared for patients with a wide range of dentistry issues. 

One of the most important reasons for proper oral health care is preventing gum disease. A study recently published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention provides new evidence linking periodontal disease among older women with elevated cancer risk

The research was part of a broad health study involving approximately 65,000 women with an average age of 68. Gum disease was linked with a 14-percent higher risk for cancer. 

With associated cancers including lung, breast, and skin melanoma, women with gum disease were at highest risk for gallbladder and esophageal cancers. The authors of the study recognize that the specific mechanism behind this association is unknown, but they suggest that swallowed saliva may lead to gum pathogens reaching other parts of the body.